Person holding 29 Day Leap book in front of a waterfall

‘The 29 Day Leap’ Launch – Dan Buschow & John Harrison Invite You On a Spiritual Journey to Reconnect with God

Dan Buschow & John Harrison are all set to launch their first exclusive daily devotional guide & journal titled, ‘The 29 Day Leap’. This book is a one-of-a-kind spiritual guide & journal aimed at helping people establish a stronger and more spiritual connection with God. The 29 Day Leap provides a code of conduct to help readers build a personal connection with Jesus and become a spiritual reproducer.

The book’s authors, Dan Buschow & John Harrison, hail from a religious background. They have both devoted their lives to the teachings of Jesus and wanted to share their stories of faith with the rest of the world. That’s how the idea of The 29 Day Leap came into being. The journaling book offers short 1-minute lessons that the reader has to read every day to embark on their journey of spiritual reproduction. Each lesson contains references and Scripture passages to inspire the reader to practice the teachings of Jesus in their daily lives. In addition to this, there is also a journaling section at the end of each lesson that the reader has to fill in every day. This helps instill the core essence of each lesson in their hearts, encouraging them to implement the teachings in their daily lives.

Based on their in-depth religious knowledge and spiritual connection with God, Dan Buschow and John Harrison have also developed an exclusive Five I’s criteria in The 29 Day Leap. According to their expertise, the habit of daily journaling in the name of Jesus will help individuals focus on these five significant areas of faith: I’m thankful, introspection, insight, intercession & isolation. From practicing gratitude to being thoughtful to reflecting on God’s word, the Five I’s will help pave the way for this spiritual enlightenment.

Dan Buschow says, “It is my prayer that The 29 Day Leap will help you on your journey to take the next step or maybe the first step in growing in your personal relationship with Jesus. The Leap will challenge you, with the “Five I’s,” to develop a habit of spending time with God. Then, we challenge you to apply these teachings and principles and can be a great resource to help you as you reach out to mentor or disciple someone in your world.”

When the reader starts incorporating ‘quiet time with God’ in their daily life routines, it is inevitable not to build a personal relationship with Him. This is the “leap of faith” that every devoted Christian yearns for all their life. With the release of The 29 Day Leap, more and more people can embark on this spiritual journey and get one step closer to building an everlasting connection with the Lord. Amen to that.

About the Authors

Dan Buschow & John Harrison

Media Contact

Phone: 612-819-6963



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